TABERNAC!!! French Canadians live life in the fast lane. If it's potentially life threatening, the French want a piece of it. Cigs for all. Booze available on every corner. Hotdogs blanketed in coleslaw and hamburgers drowned in gravy. Kids riding mini bikes down major highways and leaping off train trusles into murky canal water. And for this I love them.

Pictured above is a bike lane just outside of Montreal. This route stretched for miles, and made entering the city an absolute breeze.

The Lachine canal.

This is Yves and Therese . I was riding around one evening in search of a place to bed down when I passed these folks in their backyard. There were no campsites for many kilometers so Yves was generous enough to let me set up in his yard. Not only that, he let me do my laundry and shower, then fed me cheese and homemade soup. Yves was a righteous fellow that took a chance on a strange traveller despite communication difficulties.

Oh oh. What's this? I sense something adorable coming on. BLAHHHHHH! So small. So precious. So milk crazed. Yves cat got knocked-up a while back and now there are a eight of these things lurking in his front yard. The one on the left looks like a mogwai, pre-gremlin freakout.

Saint-Laurent avec bateau.

Someplace east of Quebec City.

Before you sits the welcome sign to New Brunswick. I couldn't be bothered to trek all the way into the middle of the field for a close-up, so this will have to make due.

World's longest covered bridge! AWOOOOGA!

I finally figured out how to take timed pictures with my camera. You'd think I'd have done this at the beginning, but I'm not that thoughtful. I'd rather wait until there's only 5 days left, then familiarize myself with it. This may be the one and only picture taken with the timer.

Gravel pit accomodations.