Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

AT LAST! I have an online journal!
After fighting off months of crippling urges to start a blog, I've finally done it. I'm one of "them" now.
Let me start off by saying this was done out of neccessity rather than desire. Ideally—if I had any brain power/motivation/stick-to-it-ness—I would have created some high falootin' blog/website thing that could be remotely updated from where ever in the world I may be. But alas, I am no programmer. Hence, Blogger.
So on with it. I will be using this primarily as a place to update my family/friends/enemies as to my whereabouts and general life status during what I've coined: "THE JOURNEY OF ENLIGHTENMENT". Posts will increase in frequency as my departure date nears.
After fighting off months of crippling urges to start a blog, I've finally done it. I'm one of "them" now.
Let me start off by saying this was done out of neccessity rather than desire. Ideally—if I had any brain power/motivation/stick-to-it-ness—I would have created some high falootin' blog/website thing that could be remotely updated from where ever in the world I may be. But alas, I am no programmer. Hence, Blogger.
So on with it. I will be using this primarily as a place to update my family/friends/enemies as to my whereabouts and general life status during what I've coined: "THE JOURNEY OF ENLIGHTENMENT". Posts will increase in frequency as my departure date nears.
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